Price list not available
The rates refer to the number of people for each apartment and include the apartment in perfect condition of use, the normal consumption of gas, hot and cold water and electricity, initial cleaning of the apartment. It is forbidden to give hospitality to people that have not been declared at the time of booking. Children: 0-11 years. Adults: from 12 years.
The confirmation of the reservation must be sent via letter, fax, or internet. The accommodation will be definitively confirmed only upon receipt of the deposit. Together with the confirmation we must receive the personal information card with the names of the people who will occupy the unit.
At the moment of the booking the customer shall pay a deposit, by way of confirmation, equal to 30% of the total amount. The payment shall be done maximum within 7 days from the date of the booking which is confirmed only upon receipt of the same. Failure to comply with this condition by the customer, authorises the residence to cancel the reservation without written communication.
Cancellation In case of cancellation of the reservation that must always be sent by letter, fax or internet; we will retain the deposit as follows: 50% if the cancellation takes place between 60 and 30 days before the arrival, the whole amount if the cancellation takes place before 30 days.
The payment of the balance shall be made on arrival at the time of the check-in. All payments must be in euro.
Day of arrival - Day of departure. The stays are per week from Saturday to Saturday, with arrival starting from 4 p.m. and departure within 10.00 am.
If the customer cannot arrive on the day fixed, he shall advise the management in advance. In case the host will not occupy the accommodation booked within the next day, without notice, the booking will be considered as cancelled. For early departure or late arrival there is no reduction of the rate.
Night or off time departures must be agreed in advance. The apartment must be left in order, free from personal effects and garbage. The arrival of a number of people greater than the one communicated upon booking (even if children) must be regularised at check-in.
Security deposit €uro 150,00 to be paid at the moment of arrival. The guest undertakes to take care of the premises and of domestic appliances. Shortages, breakages or damage to objects will be calculated at current market rates. The security deposit will be returned at the time of departure after checking, by the direction of the perfect condition of the apartment. In case at the end of the stay kitchenette and crockery are returned not clean, €uro 30,00 will be retained from the security deposit.
External guests. Relatives, friends and visitors can access the residence with authorisation of the management and upon presentation of an ID, and paying the daily fee. The management reserves the right at any time to check the identity of the people staying in the residence.
Special rules.
The assignment of the housing unit is carried out according to availability, and any preferences will be met to the extent possible and always according to availability. The parking place is necessarily associated to the housing unit in reason of 1 car per unit. All guests are obliged to comply with the rules of the house and to observe the common rules concerning the quiet in the hours of rest in the afternoon and in the night.
Unfortunately pets are not accepted.
Name and Surname *
E-mail *
Phone *
Arrival day *
Departure day *
Number of Adults *
Age child 1
Age child 2
Age child 3

Mandatory Fields *
Residence Ariston Via Delle Nazioni, 195
48122 Marina di Ravenna (Ra)
Tel. +39 0544/530220
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Credits TITANKA! Spa