Spring slow

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The Po Delta Regional Park of Emilia-Romagna is one of the most important nature parks of Europe, cover an area of nine municipalities in the provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna. This land is rich in different natural environments: sand dunes along the coast, the forest of Mesola, charming paths along the rivers, ancient pine wood close to Ravenna, the wide brackish water expanses of the "Valli di Comacchio" and of the "Sacca di Goro", the fresh water wetlands of Argenta and Ostellato. In these areas lot of birds shelter and find nourishment.  To enable our guests to follo, with care and curiosity, the nesting, passing, and habits of all species of bird - both migratory and resident - wich inhabit the area. Birdwatching in the Po Delta is an extraordinary way to get into direct cantact with nature., discover its secrets, appreciate colors, scents, ways of life, loose trace of every day hectic time
Festival of nature photography  
Boat trip electric tetween Ortazzo-Ortazzino  
Guided bicycle excursion green day  
Easter slow: bike, boat, on foot, cultural, educational workshops for children, of sightseeing slow in nature  
From 22 March  to 23 June  2019

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Residence Ariston Via Delle Nazioni, 195
48122 Marina di Ravenna (Ra)
Tel. +39 0544/530220
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